*Call for size and color availability* Here is what the Rock Star Delivers:
Lightweight: Pick the boat up and you’ll feel what an unwavering commitment to making the world’s lightest plastic freestyle kayaks is like. On the water your moves will be snappy, easy, and you’ll be given every advantage that a lightweight boat can give.
Comfort: Slip into the boat and you’ll immediately feel the improved the comfort, foot-room, knee pockets, and the view from the cockpit.
Durable: Our perfected composite/plastic track combo for the hull support prevents oil canning and deformation of the hull. Your boat will be ready for the biggest waves, the best rock spins, or running down the river to the next playspot. The shape of the bow and stern are designed to take hits and hold strong. While shallow looping holes are abusive to any boat, you’ll be glad you are in this one when you hit hard.
Dry: Jackson has been trying to create the driest boat in the world with each generation. Zero Holes are drilled into this new Rock Star on the outside where it can leak. Compare that to 11 holes for the competitions boats (or more), and add in one of the driest cockpit rim designs possible and you can paddle without water in your boat. If you want to know how dry your gear is, paddle our Rock Star 4.0.
The most aerial boat we have ever made is designed to help everyone get out of the water for the first time, or get more air than ever before for the experienced paddler. The two main venues we designed this boat to excel are on waves and in holes. 
specifications: Rockstar Small/Med/Large
Max Paddler: 110-145/140-200lbs/165-260lbs
Cockpit Size: 32.5 x 19/32 x 19.25/ 36 x 21
Height: 13.5/13.5/15.5
Length: 5'5"/5'8"/5'11"
Volume: 48/55/65
Weight: 26lbs/29lbs/33lbs
Width: 25/27/28 | | |